Monday, October 6, 2008

Not Me Monday!

I did not allow my 9 month old to make loud yelling like noises to his hearts content at the ice cream store yesterday because it was making his siblings and the other patrons laugh. Now I know I will never have to endure that again just because he knows it makes people laugh.

I certainly did not reuse my children's lunch plates 3 times before washing them just wiping off the crumbs in between.

I did not spend the whole day yesterday making totally prideful and out of character statements to everyone I met...I'm as humble as a horesfly.

My Nator most certainly did not yell out for his daddy repeatedly during the "quiet" time in church. And of course I took him out immediately and told him to shhh because it wasn't cute that he was excited to see his daddy.

Many other's out there are certainly not doing things this Monday too. Check them out at My Charming Kids


Ordinary Mom said...

Great post! I have never done the plate thing either....

erin said...

oh i find myself reusing the plates way too often. i'm glad i'm not the only one!

Melissa said...

These are great... I sooo "do not" do the plate thing either...that would just be lazy... he-he!!

amanda said...

i have never let my kids scream and laugh because i think they are cute in public either. my kids always are quiet and well behaved never screaming! LOVE IT!!

Lori said...

oh I have totally done the plate thing too!

Anonymous said...

lol- I am loving these not me monday post.. they are to fun..

Jennifer said...

Kids can be so funny! Great post!

heidi said...

LOL One time at church, my husband was up doing the offering call and my then 3 year old daughter stood on the pew and SCREAMED HI DADDY!!! LOL

Good times. I'm glad you di dn't do any of those things. Shameful. ;-)