Monday, January 12, 2009

Not Me Monday!

I do not usually forget what happened during the week and therefore can not contribute them to not me monday...I'm to young to be so forgetful!

I did not grill my husband more than once this week over conversations I was not present to hear. That would be annoying. And, I did not threaten to send a female interpreter to every meeting he goes to just so that I can have all the facts and details including what shirt the other person was wearing and if they pluck their nose hair. That would be obsessive compulsive (but you have to admit men are no good at relaying details).

I did not wack my daughter on the head with a barbell because I was not trying to show off and be silly at target. We did not have to rush her up front for a bag of ice for the big purple knot that was NOT on her head. If we did have to do that I would not send Mr. Incredible to do it while I lurked in the corners so that I would not have to explain what happened only to blog about it later...whew...glad that didn't happen.

Visit Mckmamas for more Not Me's!


Anonymous said...

I do not have a funny picture of you conking your daughter over the head at Target. :)

Aileigh said...

Glad that wasn't my Not Me Monday! At least mine didn't have physical ramifications! Only emotional ones! :)

amanda said...

i'm pretty much the same way...forget all the good stuff and then remember it after i post. oh well. but i love the target one...

Jennifer said...

Oh is everyone alright? I always forget wheat happens during the weak and stare at my computer come Monday morning.